Week Ten

These are the designs for the new website. I decided that while I had the chance to re-design it I thought I’d show it in a way that the hunt could be more interactive. The Emeralds and Rings would now be released around specific towns – i chose London, Manchester, Sheffield and Edinburgh for the examples and clues would be released on the website to lead people to where the Emeralds and Rings are hidden. First page the user is invited to choose their location of choice, then to choose whether they want to go to the clues page, or go to the page to enter their code. I didn’t include the page to show the clues page as there is so many ways that this could be done and it would take a lot of work and planning that is not needed to get the idea across. So the next page is where they enter their code. At the bottom of the page is the key to the colours of the emeralds and characters that are unlocked with that colour.