Archives for category: P&O

Week Twelve

These are the final images which I sent off to YCN including the rationale

Week Eleven

I couldn’t sleep for ages the other day because I got this idea stuck in my head, my mum gave me the idea saying about the “you drink we’ll drive” instead of the don’t drink and dive adverts. So I ended up thinking of other things passengers could do while the staff work. So I thought about the passenger being able to eat, while the staff navigate – though I wish I had left the map out of this one and only included the compass. How the passenger can sleep without worrying about overlaying because they do an announcement at 6am so everyone gets up and how the passenger can relax and have breakfast and have a cup of tea while the captain parks the ship into the dock. I plan to enter this into the competition as well.

Week Ten

These are the posters I created for the P&O campaign. I was intending to do it in a photomanipulation that it would most likely be done if a real agency had created it, but when trying it just didn’t work. Trying to find a picture of sand from directly above, while it actually looking like sand so I decided to illustrate it on Photoshop instead and while these don’t look 100% professional they get tje idea across which is the main important thing.

Week Nine

These are the second part of the P&O Campaign, placing images directly onto the things that that people actually step onto, escalators, steps and zebra crossings to help get the idea through and feel slightly interactive. The Idea of Sand Sea and Bar is taken from the well known holiday saying Sun Sea and Sand. I created 7 images as I believed that was enough as most zebra crossings are around 6 or 7 stripes and it is enough to be repeated on steps and escalators that won’t get missed on them.

Week Four

I tried to add it into the Sonic initial ideas post but it wouldn’t allow me to add a new gallery for these images so I’ve decided to add them into their own post.

Click images to see full size, also I apologise for the bad quality photos. From top row: the first thing I did was think about the obvious idea that the P&O ships have better food than air planes have and showing them being compared. Again this is a bad idea, and I only did it so the idea was out of my head so I could focus on better ideas. Read the rest of this entry »

Week Three

I haven’t got my P&O layout pad on me at the moment so I will update this post with my P&O ideas when I have it. These are my first ideas that I had for Sonic, obviously done very messy but you will have to excuse the bad quality of the photos but I don’t always have access to an A3 scanner, and that probably wouldn’t work unless I took all the pages out of the book which I do not want to do.

In order going from the top left: the idea was to have the game characters shapes made out of levels from Sonic games. This would be hard to do though, and very time consuming in my opinion though might be visually strong. Read the rest of this entry »

Week Three

To be able to create a good advertising campaign for both P&O and Sonic I had to research past advertisements to see how they had done it before, but this proved quite difficult. There were no examples of adverts for P&O at all, and hardly any good examples for adverts for Sonic that were obviously real and not just made by fans. These are the few that I found for Sonic – I cannot be sure they were all created for real or made by fans but I will include them all anyway.

Click image for full size. Most of the posters just explain something about the game, this is generally what game posters do. They aren’t very exciting posters though

Week Two

Every company have another company they are competing with for clients/money. Sega and P&O are no different, although Sega’s rival is against their mascot Sonic not their company.

P&O have a number of competitors in their business. The major one in my opinion is the Euro Tunnel. Going via the Euro Tunnel can be cheaper and quicker, but it doesn’t have the facilities that the ferries do. The other competitors are Stena Line and Brittany Ferries. They both operate ferry services to Europe but Stena Line isn’t as big as P&O nor are either of them as old as P&O. When planning holidays where people live can determine which company they choose.

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Week Two

I have been on P&O ships numerous of times, we have always used them when crossing over to Europe for our holidays, we have tried other companies but none have been half as good as P&O. We always go on the Pride of Hull and Pride of Rotterdam ships, so many times I know my way around the ships without the need of maps. This is one of their main crossings but they are launching two new ships at the cost of £360million for the Dover – Calais crossing which is the main subject for their brief. Having been on the ships I thought about what I remember from the ships and remembered the deck plans that they have posted around the ships to direct people. The design for them is simple but quite strong:

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Week One

As I thought of the subjects I had chosen for the briefs I created spider diagrams listing aspects about the companies/topics to help me form ideas clearly in my head.

To view the spider diagrams in full click the thumbnails